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WhatsApp: +86 18221755073® C80™ jaw crusher is optimal for smaller-scale operations. Even though ® C80™ jaw crusher is commonly used as a primary crusher, it also performs well in other roles, depending on the processed material and application. ® C80™ jaw crusher is the smallest model in the popular ® C Series™ jaw crushers ...
WhatsApp: +86 18221755073The ROCKLABS BOYD Elite is the world's first double-acting fine jaw crusher, employing jaws that can hold up to 5kg of sample and crush a 70mm sample to 2mm in …
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WhatsApp: +86 18221755073Scott | Rocklabs Mid BOYD Crusher. Increased input size - The MID BOYD crusher accepts samples with lump size of up to 100mm, and can reduce to 2mm in a single pass. Jaws can hold up to a 5kg sample. Accepts direct feed of full drill … Read more
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