Neighbors in Arlee feel 'voiceless' after new state law …

The new law stripped away language that required "that noise and visual impacts on residential areas will be minimized to the degree practicable through berms, vegetation screens and reasonable ...

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including negative spillover effects emanating to residential areas from non-industrial commercial developments. The purported policy goals are to restrict and isolate commercial development from immediate proximity to residential areas. Besides zoning, which typically tries to distance these land uses from residential areas, buffers are sometimes

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The Environmental Impacts of Residential …

The Environmental Impacts of Residential Development The Environmental Impacts of Residential Development: Case Studies of 12 Estates in Sydney Bill Randolph Darren Holloway Stephen Pullen Patrick Troy City Futures Research Centre Faculty of the Built Environment University of New South Wales Final Report of ARC Linkage Project LP …

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WAGE | News

The nearest existing housing in Wootton is just 50 metres away from the proposed extraction site, and a new housing development has been approved just 75 metres away. ... to stop sand and gravel extraction being sited near residential areas. A Private Members Bill tabled in Parliament in 2021 advocated limiting sand and gravel quarrying …

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Lung Function and Respiratory Health of Populations Living …

The main measures agreed on were: establishing barriers around the quarry sites, water should be used when cutting and on the road when transporting the quarry products to decrease the amount of dust, developers should not place residential areas close to quarrying zones, a license should not be given to quarries close to residential …

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Quarry Operations and Property Values: Revisiting Old …

Property Valuation Report: Affect [sic] of Sand and Gravel Mines on Property Values, Banks and Gesso, LLC (October 2002); Impacts of Rock Quarries on Residential Property Values in Jefferson County, Colorado, Banks and Gesso, LLC (May 1998); R.J. McKown, Analysis of Proposed Sand & Gravel Quarry: Granite

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Sand and Gravel Pit Guideline

This guideline applies to all sand and gravel pits in the Province of New Brunswick. ... the owner/operator of an existing site shall not remove sand and/or gravel from areas in ... noise, and site run-off do not negatively impact off-site . Sand and Gravel Pit Guideline Page 4 of 4 Effective: August 2014 Revised: properties or members of the ...

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Environmental Impacts of Sand and Gravel Operations …

Sprawling urban areas like Albuquerque and Santa Fe-Española are pock-marked with huge sand and gravel pits. Although these mines made highway construction less expensive, their impacts on the scenic viewsheds across New Mexico are significant. One final impact created by these mines could be called the "public nuisance" effect.

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quarrying by making the areas suitable for new sustainable land uses. I will examine cases that successfully transformed resource-depleted quarries into commercial and …

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Hydraulic Impacts of Quarries and Gravel Pits

Table 1 lists the sites and the impacts that were studied during the project. The text following the table describes the results of the monitoring at the sites. Summary of Impacts and Study Results Site Impacts studied Study results Water level Significant decline in aquifer water levels due to quarry dewatering and rock removal. Kraemer Quarry

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the threats to their families, homes and communities from gravel mining. NOT impact the current supply of gravel required to meet Ontario's needs. NOT impact the rights existing gravel mining operators have to continue their existing operations as they do today. NOT impact current employment in the gravel mining industry. 1 3 2 1 3 2 5 4 1 3 2

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Bill seeks to restrict quarry developments close to residential areas …

Crucially, the Bill makes a clear distinction between new sites and established quarries and waste sites which existed prior to residential developments being built in their vicinity. Mr Western confirmed that 'existing businesses and facilities should not have unreasonable restrictions placed on them as a result of development permitted ...

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Why Are Quarries Dangerous? Understanding the Hazards of Quarry Sites

Discover the hidden dangers of quarry sites and why they pose a significant risk to workers and the surrounding community. ... FREE DELIVERY NATIONWIDE SHOP NOW. Home; Shop. Driveway Gravel; Walkway Gravel; Road Base (Class 5) Mason Sand; 3/8″ Crushed Stone; 3/4″ Crushed Stone; Decomposed Granite; Drain Rock; Crushed Concrete #57 …

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EconPapers: Residential Location Impacts of Environmental …

Residential Location Impacts of Environmental Disamenity: The Case of Gravel Pit Operation and Landfills. Zhaohua Zhang and Diane Hite () . No 229739, 2016 Annual …

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Sedimentation and Wood Augmentation Sites

New Gravel Augmentation Sites Proposed Beginning Winter 2023/2024. ... The potential benefits of augmenting in new areas of the Trinity River upstream of the confluence of Indian Creek include: ... Trucking speeds …

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Examining the Impacts of Noise on Communities Living Near Mine Sites

b) Buffer Zones and Land Use Planning: Creating buffer zones between mining or other commercial operations and residential areas can help minimise the direct impact of noise on nearby communities. Careful land use planning can ensure that residential zones are situated at an appropriate distance from the mining activities, …

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Proposed Sand and Gravel Quarry, Lea Castle Farm

The nearest potential new receptors would be 240m to the east of the extraction area. Even if these were to be occupied whilst operations were occurring in Phases 4 and 5 of the Site, the resulting effects are predicted to be . I . negligible conclude that the proposals would not have any significant adverse effects on any proposed new ...

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The Gravel Pit Next Door? | Features | Northern Express

Brouwer, who has since become the president of Friends of the Platte River Watershed, a group created to oppose the gravel pit, argues that the impacts of the proposed gravel mine would be severe, while the need for the mine was questionable. For example, Brouwer questions that there is a need for more gravel in northern Lower …

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How Climate Change Impacts Gravel-Based Driveways

Flooding risks to gravel-based driveways demand robust drainage planning to prevent erosion and maintain structural integrity.Climate change impacts are intensifying precipitation patterns, leading to more frequent and severe flooding events. As a result, your gravel driveway is highly susceptible to erosion and washouts.Without proper drainage, …

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The Proposed Chesapeake Terrace Rubble Landfill …

potential long-term impacts from groundwater contamination and ineffective dust control. BBSS owned the Waugh Chapel and Turner sand and gravel mining sites that were reclaimed resulting in impacts to the groundwater and private wells even though BBSS was operating and monitored under valid MDE issued operation permits.

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It's the pits: Residents, environmental advocates …

House Bill 599 made several significant changes to open-cut gravel, sand or other mining operations. Gunderson, the bill's sponsor, said the legislation was only meant to affect gravel pit operations in "high …

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3. The Environmental Impacts of Aggregate Extraction

Potential impairment of water quality on the site, including harm to the aquifer ; The water quality of residential wells close by could be harmed ; The water level of on-site lakes could be reduced, detrimentally affecting provincially specific wetlands ; Heightened summer water temperature in an on-site lake could have a detrimental impact on the

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It's the pits: Lincoln County residents frustrated at …

The new law also states that only property owners, not just residents, count toward the vote of a public meeting, which sets up the potential for landlords to not notify tenants about a proposed site. Even …

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(PDF) 13 Mutekwa Timothy, Matsa Mark, and Kanyati

J. Vidal, Climate change will cost poor countries billions Dodging the Potholes: The Spatio-Distribution and Socio-Economic Impacts of Potholes in the Residential Areas of Gweru, Zimbabwe 889 of ...

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Detrimental Effects of Gravel Mines on Property Values

Nationally the average down payment on a home is only 11% and just 8% for younger buyers and those with lower incomes. 14 The negative impact of a gravel mine …

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Environmental Impacts of Sand and Gravel Operations …

Surface and groundwater quality impacts from such mines are relatively benign in New Mexico due to the semi-arid climate and lack of perennial streams. Other environmental impacts include increased traffic on new or improved or existing roads; cumulative impacts as construction materials are hauled, stockpiled, and spread on highway and

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Understanding Very Serious Consequences

A study conducted by American researcher Diane Hite verified that pits and quarries have a negative impact on the value of nearby residential properties, and that these impacts are substantial – a property immediately adjacent to a pit could experience a loss in value of over 30%, while a property even as much as three miles away could ...

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Residential patterns in urban areas

The impact of ethnicity on residential patterns is described in more detail on the page on this site "Residential patterns and ethnicity". Planning. The level of planning of a city has a direct relationship to the type of residential patterns in the city. This can be seen in more detail on the page on this site, 'Growth processes of ...

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3. The Environmental Impacts of Aggregate Extraction

Aggregate is mined from the earth, either dug out of pits or blasted out of quarries. This process has many significant environmental impacts. [1] Creating the pits or quarries …

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Quarry Operations and Property Values: Revisiting Old …

n the siting and expansion of quarries is the effect of the operations on nearby home values. According to Census data, housing amounts to about 70% of the average American's …

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Danger beneath the surface: Warren Park's gravel pits …

A POTENTIALLY disastrous situation is unfolding in Harare's Warren Park area, where Harare City Council (HCC) is pushing forward with plans to convert former gravel pits into residential stands.

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US Study on the impact of pits quarries on hme prices

to landfills, hazardous waste sites, and the like has a significant negative effect on the price of a residential property. Professor Diane Hite, an economist who has published widely …

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Michigan gravel industry to again try to limit local control on mining

Under the 2006 Michigan Zoning Enabling Act, local units of government can consider a host of factors in deciding whether to allow a new mine, including what kind of use the land is zoned for, mining impacts on nearby property values and road safety. They can also regulate a mine's operating hours and order limits on noise, dust and traffic.

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Road dust and its effect on human health: a literature review

Road dust and its harmful effects on humans are a comparatively new topic for health professionals. Although a few studies have shown a significant association between adverse health effects and road dust, many results were obtained using secondary data, the HI was often determined using laboratory-based extraction …

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Residential Location Impacts of Environmental Disamenity: …

Residential Location Impacts of Environmental Disamenity: The Case of Gravel Pit Operation and Landfills. Zhaohua Zhang and Diane Hite () . No 229739, 2016 Annual Meeting, February 6-9, 2016, San Antonio, Texas from Southern Agricultural Economics Association Abstract: In this paper, we analyze how environmental disamenity affects …

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Detrimental Effects of Gravel Mines on Property Values

Detrimental Effects of Gravel Mines on Property Values Summary The proposal of an open pit gravel mine in an Inland Township Rural Residential District creates numerous very serious consequences. This study primarily examines the detrimental financial impact on property values in Inland Township and three …

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The Impact of Industrial Sites on Residential Property Values

In order to quantify the negative effects stemming from industrial sites, we estimate – using a hedonic pricing model – the impact of distance to industrial sites on residential property values.

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Mitigating the Effects of Gravel Mining upon Rural New …

Impacts of industrial traffic must be considered in locating mine sites. 3. Deny operating permits to new operations if inactive or abandoned mines that are well sited could be re-opened to provide the same resource. New operations should be permitted only if no other suitable materials are available in a given area.

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