Robe River iron ore project, Western Australia

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Robe River iron ore mines: cliffs exploit natural advantages

Robe River iron ore mines: cliffs exploit natural advantages Potter, D.M. Australian Mining 66(6): 16-18 1974. ISSN/ISBN: 0004-976X. Accession: 019932101. ... K.F.; Howard, T.J. 2011: The product quality system at Cliffs Natural Resources; Koolyanobbing iron ore operations Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy 6/2011: 563-573 ...

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The Yarraloola Iron Ore Project is located 140km southwest of Karratha, and 100km east of Onslow. Yarraloola hosts two distinct types of iron-ore mineralisation: magnetite in the …

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Robe River Iron Ore

Robe River Iron Ore - Facebook

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Robe Mesa

Robe Mesa is a quality asset, with Ore Reserves of 33.4Mt at 55.0% Fe (61.6% Fe calcined) with a Resource base of 45.2Mt at 56% Fe (62.7% Fe calcined). The iron-ore …

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Influence of robe river limonite on the sinter quality

To study the influence of robe river limonite on the Sinter quality, do some sintering cup experiments which added different proportions of robe river limonite. ... Recent Developments in Iron Ore Sintering New Development for Sintering. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 135-136 (1993) Google Scholar; Jin, J., Wu, Y., Jiang, J.-h.: Study on …

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Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 02-a0-05 Xml

Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 . An Act relating to an Agreement between the State of Western Australia and Basic Materials Pty. Limited with respect to certain iron ore deposits, and for other purposes. 1.Short title. This Act may be cited as the Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 1. [Section 1 amended: No. 87 of 1987 s. 4.]

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REMEMBER Robe River? Three years before the Hawke government and the airlines declared war on the pilots, Robe River Iron Associates declared war on its unions. It quickly became one of Australia ...

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Iron Ore in December 2005

of Canada (59% owned), 9.2 Mt; and Robe River (53% owned), 27.8 Mt. Rio Tinto's share of total world mine production was 124.5 Mt, a 15% increase from that of 2004 (Rio Tinto plc, 2006§1). BHP Billiton announced full-year production figures for 2005. BHP Billiton's share of saleable quantities of iron ore

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Robe Mesa Iron Ore Project, Pilbara Assays reveal …

Robe Mesa Iron Ore Project, Pilbara . Assays reveal extensive DSO outside planned pits, paving way for updated Ore Reserves . Outstanding results support CZR's strategy to …

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Middle Robe River iron ore deposits

Article: Middle Robe River iron ore deposits. Mao, J.; Stein, H.; Wang, Y.; Yu, J. 2004: Molybdenite Re-Os and albite (super 40) Ar/ (super 39) Ar dating of the Cu-Au-Mo-(Fe) deposits and porphyry-associated iron deposits in the middle-lower Yangtze River belt and implications for metallogenesis International Geological Congress, Abstracts = Congres …

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Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964

Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 An Act relating to an Agreement between the State of Western Australia and Basic Materials Pty. Limited with respect to certain iron ore deposits, and for other purposes. 1. Short title This Act may be cited as the Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964 1. [Section 1 amended by No. 87 of 1987 s. 4.] 2.

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Iron Ore (Robe River) Cape Lambert Ore and Service Wharves Amendment By-laws 1995: 31 Mar 1995: 00-00-00: Official Version: Unavailable: Unavailable: Purchase. Versions of this Subsidiary legislation (includes consolidations, Reprints and "As made" versions)

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Robe River Iron Mine In Western Australia, Australia

owner: robe river mining co. pty. ltd. 30 % mitsui iro ore development pty. ltd. 20 % peko wallsend operations ltc 35 % cape lambert iron associates 5 % pannawonica iron associates 10% operator: robe river iron associates office visit made in …

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PorterGeo Database

Descriptions of major ore deposits world wide. The Robe River pisolitic iron ores have been mined from a number of deposits near Pannawonica by Robe River Associates since 1972. The current long term operation in the district is the Mesa 'A' and Mesa 'J' deposit. Pannawonica is some 190 km NW of Tom Price and 140 km SW of its export port, at …

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Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964

Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement First Schedule Compare 01 Jul 2010 [01-c0-01] / 11 Sep 2010 [01-d0-02] page 7 Extract from, see that website for further information

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Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964

Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964. Defined terms. Iron Ore (Robe River) Agreement Act 1964. ... State particulars of the number depth and kind of bores sunk by it the precise situation of each and the quantities and quality of water obtained therefrom and will notify the State when supplies sufficient for the Company's purposes ...

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Iron Ore (Robe River), Cape Lambert Ore Wharf …

As made Publish Date Suffix Download Buy; Iron Ore (Robe River), Cape Lambert Ore Wharf Amendment By-laws 1991: 15 Mar 1991: 00-00-00: Official Version: Unavailable

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Iron ore juniors attracting local billionaires

With the price of high-quality ore sitting around US$150 a tonne every iron ore producer in the world should be generating handsome profits and this is likely to continue for some time as Chinese steel demand rebounds and the war in Ukraine crimps exports from that country and Russia. ... the company which regards the Robe River …

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MinRes awards first major contract to Robe River Services

Mineral Resources (MinRes) has awarded Robe River Services Pty Ltd (RRS) its first major contract as part of the transformational Onslow Iron project. The …

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Robe River Iron Associates

Robe River Iron Associates are a company based in Perth in the Australian state of Western Australia. Their main business area is iron ore. Robe River Iron Associates have 750 members of staff, and have achieved revenues of AU$500,000 - $1mil.

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Robe Valley Iron Ore Mine Expansion

The Robe Valley iron ore mine expansion, also known as the Robe Valley sustaining project, involves the development of three open-pits on three new deposits namely Mesa B, Mesa C, and Mesa H, as well as …

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Robe Mesa Iron Ore Project, Western Australia

Robe Mesa is situated within the Robe River paleochannel, a tertiary-aged channel delineated by flat-topped hills called mesas. The main orebody is categorised as a channel iron deposit (CID) and …

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Phase 1 Completed of Expansion of Iron Ore Shipping Port at Robe River …

1972 Robe River iron ore shipments commence 1977 Equity participation by former Nippon Steel and former Sumitomo Metal 2000 Rio Tinto acquires North Ltd., makes equity participation 2002 West Angelas iron ore shipments commence 2009 Cape Lambert Port expansion (+23 million tons) 2010 Mesa A Mine iron ore shipments commence ...

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Unlisted Robe River Iron Associates yesterday reported it had achieved another record-breaking ore year, with the group increasing ore production from 21.8 million to 23.1 million tonnes as ...

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Robe River Joint Venture partners celebrate 50 …

PERTH, Australia--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Representatives of the Robe River Joint Venture partners, Rio Tinto, Mitsui and Nippon Steel, gathered in Perth last night to celebrate the 50-year anniversary of the venture's first …

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Iron Ore (Robe River) Cape Lambert Ore and Service Wharves By-laws 1995: 3 Nov 2018: Current: 01-d0-01: Official Version: Word: HTML: Purchase. Versions of this Subsidiary legislation (includes consolidations, Reprints and "As made" versions)

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Robe River Iron Associates | EPA Western Australia

Robe River Iron Associates; Robe River Iron Associates. Cape Lambert Port upgrade - increase in throughput to 85 Mtpa. ... Proposed Mesa J iron ore development - Pannawonica. Read more about Proposed Mesa J iron ore development - Pannawonica; Environment Online Portal EPA Consultation Hub open for public comment SEARCH …

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Mitsui Iron Ore (Rio Tinto Operations)

Today, Robe River produces approximately 65 million tons per annum of iron ore, which is railed to the port of Cape Lambert where lump and fines product is shipped to steel …

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Iron Ore –Delivering value from flexibility and …

ROBE RIVER MINING JV (53%) HOPE DOWNS JV (50%) HAMERSLEY IRON () UNDEVELOPED PROJECT () Pannawonica. ... Rise in inventories driven by lower quality iron ore. Source: Company guidance, Mysteel, Rio Tinto * Rio Tinto 2018 additions assumes midpoint of full year guidance at 335 Mt.

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