Forecasting compressive strength of concrete with basalt …

It was found that the compressive strength of concrete with basalt fibers (1–4 percent) decreased in the range of ... [Show full abstract] 9.71–18.62 percent for M25. To predict the ...

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The rock mechanics of kimberlite volcanic pipe excavation

The JCS is an estimate of the uniaxial compressive strength in megapascals (MPa) of the intact rock defining the walls of the joint plane, that may be weakened by hydrothermal alteration or weathering. ... Lithic blocks and megablocks in the Aries kimberlite include a basalt megaclast 57.5 m in size (Downes et al., 2007).

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Combined use of mullite and basalt fiber to inhibit the strength …

The compressive strength of B0 decreased from 28.2 to 22.5 MPa with a strength decline ratio of 20 % after 4 rounds of curing. The compressive strength of B3 decreased from 30.8 to 27.2 MPa with a strength decline ratio of 11.6 %, and the compressive strength of BD2 decreased from 31.5 to 28.6 MPa with a strength …

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Unconfined Compressive and Splitting Tensile Strength of Basalt …

The test results show that both the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and splitting tensile strength (STS) at a given basalt fiber content increase significantly with increasing calcite content, whereas the axial strain of the peak failure state decreases with increasing calcite content.

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Properties of Kimberlite | Physical | Thermal

The hardness of Kimberlite is 6-7 whereas its compressive strength is Not Available. Streak is the color of rock when it is crushed or powdered. The streak of Kimberlite is white whereas its fracture is conchoidal. Luster of Kimberlite is the interaction of light with the surface of Kimberlite. Luster of Kimberlite is subvitreous to dull.

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Strength and deformation properties of granite, basalt, …

The dynamic compressive strength factor for the. granite was less than 1; for the basalt, 1.35; for the limestone, 1.52; and for the tuff, 1.7^-« The compressional wave velocity of. …

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(PDF) Experimental investigation on the effects of microwave

The results indicate that the mechanical properties including unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and Brazilian tensile strength (BTS) were significantly dropped as a result of MW irradiation.

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Effects of polypropylene and basalt fibers on tensile and compressive …

As shown in Fig. 11 and Fig. 19, the proportion of tensile strength enhancement for ice composites by the introduction of fibers is significantly higher than the proportion of compressive strength enhancement, a trend similar to the strength enhancement characteristics exhibited by fiber-reinforced concrete [79].

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Compressive Strength Prediction of Basalt Fiber Reinforced …

Compressive strength prediction of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Concrete (BFRC), an advanced building material that combines performance and sustainability, is a complex task influenced by many factors. In this study, the compressive strength of BFRC is predicted using four tuned machine learning models, namely, Support Vector Machine …

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Compressive mechanical performance and microscopic mechanism of basalt

The cube compressive strength and axial compressive strength of the specimens decreased with the increase of temperature. With the same replacement ratio and fiber dosage, increasing the temperature from 300 °C to 600 °C, the decrease in cube compressive strength and axial compressive strength was the most significant, …

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Size-Dependent Mechanical Properties and Excavation …

However, with an increase in the confining pressure to 30 MPa, the compressive strength of basalt decreases from 442.75 MPa to 246.33 MPa as the …

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Kimberlite and Basalt

6.1.7 Compressive Strength. What Is Flint ... Kimberlite and Basalt belong to Igneous Rocks.Texture of Kimberlite is Porphyritic whereas that of Basalt is Glassy, Massive, Porphyritic, Scoriaceous, Vesicular. Kimberlite appears Dull and Banded and Basalt appears Dull and Soft. The luster of Kimberlite is subvitreous to dull while that of Basalt ...

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Mechanical relationship between compressive strength and …

After the sulfate erosion test, the compressive strength of OC and BFRC was obtained through the standard compressive strength test according to the Standard Test Method for Mechanical Properties of Ordinary Concrete (GB/T 50081–2021) [23]. A total of 160 specimens were tested by YAW-300 electro-hydraulic servo pressure test …

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Microwave heating of dry and water saturated basalt, granite and

The conventional triaxial compressive strength of basalt samples decreased linearly with microwave irradiation time, and the higher the confining pressure, the smaller the reduction in the ...

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comparison between Compressive strength of basalt and …

The results revealed that the 28 days compressive strength of polypropylene, basalt, and steel fibre-reinforced mortar increased by 6.9%, 7.7%, and 16.2%, respectively, with the inclusion of fibre

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Effect of Basalt Fibers on Properties of Normal and High …

the BF volume fraction. The enhancement in the splitting tensile strength was more pronounced for the NSC mixes. The splitting tensile strength gain caused by the addition of BF was in the range of 10 to 52% for the NSC mixes and 3 to 22% for the HSC mixes. Keywords: Dune sand, basalt fibers, slump, compressive strength, splitting tensile ...

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Kimberlite | Properties, Composition and …

Kimberlite is an igneous rock that major source of diamonds. Kimberlite is a variety of peridotite. It is rich in mica minerals content and often in form of crystals of phlogopite. Other containt …

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between strain hardening and softening is called the unconfined compressive strength of the rock and is denoted as Co or qu. Failure takes place continuously from C to D during …

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Predictive models for properties of hybrid blended modified …

The compressive strength prediction of basalt fiber reinforced concrete filled with nano-silica and recycled aggregates can be done using a hybrid deep learning model suggesting the use of the combination of Convolutional Neural Networks and Long Short-Term Memory networks. The CNN captures microstructural features from SEM images, while the ...

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Uniaxial compressive strength ( c) and deformation …

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Mechanical property and cutting rate of microwave treated granite rock

This project investigates the effect of microwave irradiation on the mechanical strength of specific rock samples such as kimberlite, and associated rocks such as granite, limestone and basalt for ...

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Empirical models for compressive and tensile strength of basalt …

To determine the compressive strength (CS) and tensile strength (TS) of basalt fiber reinforced concrete (BFRC), this study will develop empirical models using gene expression programming (GEP ...

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Compressive stress–strain relationship and its variability of basalt …

Increasing the content of basalt fibers to a certain extent can enhance the compressive strength of RAC, but it also significantly increases the variability of material performance. Additionally, the minimum compressive strengths of these three sets of specimens are 19.3, 19.7, and 21.0 MPa, respectively, indicating that the influence of …

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Experimental investigation on the effects of microwave …

Kimberlite rocks are igneous rocks which mostly occur as eroded volcanic pipes and dyke systems. ... Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) vs. exposure …

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Estimating uniaxial compressive strength of rocks using …

Porosity is a significant physical feature of rocks due to water absorption that causes decrease in the strength. The basalt of the study area can be described as "highly porous" and ignimbrite as "extremely porous" according to the classification by Anon (1979).The average UCS of basalt is determined as 26.65 MPa.For the ignimbrite, the …

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Effect of Basalt Fibers on Properties of Normal and High …

the BF volume fraction. The enhancement in the splitting tensile strength was more pronounced for the NSC mixes. The splitting tensile strength gain caused by the …

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Unconfined Compressive Strength Characteristics of …

The results illustrate that no-fiber columns sustain more than 50 % of the failure load before cracking, while this percentage raised to 75 % upon adding basalt fiber to concrete. 0.3 % of basalt ...

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Limits on strength and deformation properties of jointed …

A study of strength and deformation measurements for basaltic rocks, along with consideration of the influence of fracturing using a rock mass classification system, …

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The porosity and engineering properties of vesicular basalt …

The presence of non-connected vesicles in extensive basalt flows in western Saudi Arabia greatly affects their engineering properties such as compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio and sonic velocities. In order to evaluate some of these properties, the density and/or the porosity of the material must be known.

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Canadian kimberlites: Geological characteristics relevant to

Kimberlite magmatism in Canada has been repeated in space and time. More than 770 kimberlites have erupted in diverse tectonic settings over a period of at …

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compressive strength of baselt

compressive strength of kimberlite and basalt. Cohesive Strength Of Basalt Rock. Basalt rock properties and uses - sciencestruckhe rock hardness of basalt is 6 on the mohs scale, and can be seen through a combination of its compressive strength 100-300 mpa megapascal, its tensile strength 10-30 mpa, and its shear strength 20-60 mpa, which …

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Improving compressive strength of fly ash-based …

In this study, ASTM Class C fly ash used as an alumino-silicate source was activated by metal alkali and cured at low temperature. Basalt fibers which have excellent physical and mechanical properties were added to fly ash-based geopolymers for 10–30% solid content to act as a reinforced material, and its influence on the compressive …

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Properties of Basalt | Physical | Thermal

The hardness of Basalt is 6 whereas its compressive strength is 37.40 N/mm 2. Streak is the color of rock when it is crushed or powdered. The streak of Basalt is white to grey whereas its fracture is conchoidal. Luster of Basalt is the interaction of light with the surface of Basalt. Luster of Basalt is not available. Basalt cleavage is not ...

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Experimental Study on Unconfined Compressive Strength of Basalt …

In order to study the mechanism and effect of basalt fiber reinforced clay soil, a series of unconfined compressive strength tests conducted on clay soil reinforced with basalt fiber have been performed under the condition of optimum water content and maximum dry density. Both the content and length of basalt fiber are considered in this …

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(IJERMCE) Vol 2, Issue 12,December 2017 Comparative …

Fig.1 shows the compressive strength details of basalt and glass fiber reinforced concrete. It shows that the compressive strength of glass and basalt fiber reinforced concrete was increased considerably when comparing to control mix. But there is no maximum difference in compressive strength of glass and basalt fiber concrete.

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Mechanical relationship between compressive strength and …

When the content of basalt fibers was 15 wt%, the density of the porous thermal insulators was 0.187 g/cm³, the thermal conductivity was 0.072 W/(m·K), and the compressive strength was 1.09 MPa, with a strength increase of approximately 45 %.

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Mechanical performances and micro-level properties of basalt …

After exposed to 800 °C, compressive strength of P1.8B1.2 reaches 17.21 MPa and increases by 37.24% compared to P1.8. When temperatures are higher than 200 °C, compressive strength of basalt/PVA HF-ECC exhibits remarkable improvement as superimposed basalt fiber content increases to 0.8% and 1.2%.

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AS per our results the maximum compressive strength is obtained for 0.5% for every fiber and among these three fibers Basalt fiber has got maximum compressive and flexural strength for 0.5% REFERENCES [1] C. Colombo, L. Vergani, M. Burman, "Static and fatigue characterisation of new basalt fibre reinforced

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