Decarbonisation to drive dramatic increase in mining …

In the absence of changes in mining and processing methods and waste disposal practices, the anticipated increase in mine waste generation will inevitably generate more AMD, and more tailings dam failures. ... in combination with the removal of deleterious elements such as arsenic, thereby acting as both a mining and a …

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Arsenic in Africa: potential sources, spatial variability, and …

Apart from As, high heavy metal concentrations (above WHO recommended guideline) were reported around the gold mining areas (Ogola et al., 2002). Arsenic concentrations in mine tailings ranged between 0.06 and 76.0 μg/g where the sediments had concentrations between 0.014 and 1.87 μg/g.

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Heavy Metal Pollution from Gold Mines: Environmental …

Mining, mineral processing and metallurgical extraction are the three principal activities of gold mining industries which produce wastes. ... The characteristic features of gold mine tailings are the elevated concentrations of toxic HM such as arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cobalt (Co) and …

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Dundee – GlassLock Process to stabilize arsenic in …

How our process works to vitrify arsenic in mining and smelting. The GlassLock Process vitrifies arsenic by integrating it, under various forms, in a mixture of commonly available reagents, such as silica, recycled …

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The Facts on Arsenic | Dartmouth Toxic Metals

People involved in the mining, processing or smelting of arsenic ores and people involved in the manufacture or use of arsenic-containing pesticides often inhaled arsenic on the job. Their risk of developing lung cancer was high, and even higher if they also smoked cigarettes. Tobacco itself contained high levels of arsenic until recently, due ...

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The Role of Arsenic in the Mining Industry

Arsenic-containing process water was internally recycled at local wood treatment plants where chromated copper arsenate (CCA) was used2. SME supports increased recycling efforts for arsenic. ... 18 Straskraba, V. …

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Reviewing arsenic biomineralization: An upcoming strategy …

Meanwhile, gold mining has been identified as a significant factor in the rise of arsenic levels across various ecosystems. This increase is attributed to the discharge …

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Immobilization capacity of element arsenic in alkali …

Arsenic (As) is typically found in an unstable form in nature, posing risks to both ecological balance and human health [1, 2].During mining or metallurgical processes, significant quantities of arsenic-containing waste and wastewater are produced, causing environmental hazards and potentially compromising engineering safety if left untreated …

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Reducing disease and death from Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining …

Arsenic is released from mining and processing. Arsenic is an IARC 1 carcinogen depending on the route of exposure and species associated with skin, bladder, lung, kidney, and liver cancer . Arsenic can adversely affect adults and children. Depending on exposure levels and circumstances, various health consequences are observed, …

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Arsenic in Gold Mining Wastes: An Environmental and …

We provide an overview of arsenic (As) from gold mining spoils, tailings disposal sites, and mining degraded soils and propose sustainable soil remediation options to mitigate mobilization and human health impacts. ... Africa, and Latin America and attributed it to emissions from the mine processing plants. Burning of fossil fuels in …

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Remediation of Legacy Arsenic Mining Areas in Yunnan …

This is a former arsenic xide mine and processing plant that closed in 2000 . An estimated 50,000 tons of arsenic residue and 500 tons of rock remain on the site, covering an area of around 53,000 m 2. The site is located at the head of a valley about 5 kilometers (km) upstream from the nearest village. Access to the site is not …

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Study Identifies Ways to Limit Arsenic …

A new study examines how acidity and climate impact arsenic removal strategies downstream of the Porgera Joint Venture gold mine in Papua New Guinea. Published November 11 in Applied …

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Mining: Production and Control of Arsenic

Arsenic is a naturally occurring element found in many rocks and minerals in the earth's crust. It is also classified as a critical mineral and has important uses in our economy …

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Arsenic-transforming microbes and their role in biomining …

Arsenic-tolerant Pseudomonas spp. strains were found to produce iron-binding compounds that help them to uptake iron from insoluble arsenopyrite and other minerals of gold mine rocks. During this process, arsenic is mobilized from the solid to the aqueous phase.

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Removal of arsenic from alkaline process waters of gold cyanidation …

Removal of arsenic from mining process waters is therefore a prime concern and a number of technologies have been developed for this purpose. Precipitation with trivalent iron salts and lime is most commonly applied in mining effluents for arsenic removal (e.g. Hamberg et al., 2016). However, the immobilization of arsenic removed in …

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Toowong Process™ | Core Resources

The Toowong Process TM enables operations to manage arsenic in ore bodies at the mine site. The product from the Toowong Process TM is a cleaned concentrate that can be shipped direct to smelters. Using the Toowong Process TM, arsenic can be fixed in an environmentally stable form at the mine site, potentially more environmentally stable …

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Mineralogical transformation of arsenic at different copper …

Arsenic concentrations at different sites were plotted on the map of the smelting plant. As shown in Fig. 1, soils in the key working regions were seriously polluted by As, including the warehouse area, smelting area, and acid-making area, in which the concentration of As reached up to 3741 mg/kg, 1567 mg/kg, and 4508 mg/kg, …

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Developments in Arsenic Management in the Gold Industry

The majority of arsenic emissions, worldwide, are as compounds such as minerals and xide. Gold-mining and -processing operations were primarily used for Table 41.2. So, for example, some copper-mining and -processing operations (e.g., Olympic Dam, in Australia) that may produce significant gold were not used in this analysis.

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Arsenic in Gold Mining Wastes: An Environmental and …

Arsenic poses an environmental and human health threat to people in gold mining communities in Ghana. Over the years, limited studies have documented the …

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Arsenic uptake by Agrostis capillaris, as related to its …

Introduction. Arsenic (As) is a highly toxic element to biota 1 – 3.Significant soil contamination with arsenic is primarily associated with former ore mining and processing areas, such as Złoty Stok in Poland, where arsenic concentrations in soils and mine dump materials can reach thousands of mg kg −1 4 – 6.Such soil contamination poses serious …

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Arsenic-transforming microbes and their role in biomining …

Arsenic minerals in mining environments. Arsenic is widely distributed in the Earth's crust, occurring in trace amounts (average crustal abundance =1.5 mg/kg), predominantly in minerals of igneous and sedimentary rocks and soils (Plant et al. 2005).Some arsenic-bearing minerals, such as arsenides and sulfarsenides, are …

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Arsenic in Coal

Arsenic in Waste from Coal Mining, Processing, and Storage Mining operations in the United States generally must meet water-quality stan-dards for discharge of mine water. In some abandoned mines or undisturbed pyrite-rich strata, however, decomposition of pyrite in coal and rock can lead to dispersal of arsenic to the environment. For example, in

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Efficient reductive recovery of arsenic from acidic …

1. Introduction. Arsenic, recognized as a carcinogenic element, commonly coexists with non-ferrous metals within the Earth's crust in mineral forms (Wang et al., 2021).The mining and smelting activities of non-ferrous metal ores release arsenic from these minerals, not only discharging a significant amount of arsenic-containing acidic mine drainage (AMD) …

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Mining: Production and Control of Arsenic

Arsenic is commonly found as an impurity in sulfide ores, and is produced commercially for use in pesticides, wood preservatives, metal alloys, and other technologies. It is also listed as critical mineral under Presidential executive order 13817, because it has important uses in our economy, …

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Health Effects Associated with Inhalation of Airborne …

Mining operations release arsenic into the atmosphere via wind-borne dispersal of arsenic-laden particulates [11], with dust being the dominant transport medium for these emissions [3]. Active mining operations produce and/or mobilize dust to varying degrees in all stages of the mining process:

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Sulfur-modified iron (SMI) process for arsenic removal

Many waters associated with mining and mineral processing contain high concentrations of arsenic, and effluent typically must meet increasingly stringent human health standards. ... (SMI) process, arsenic is removed by an iron-sulfur matrix. Arsenic concentrations blow 0.005 mg/L have been obtained using SMI in jar tests and column …

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Arsenic in Mining Areas: Environmental Contamination Routes

The aim of this work is to evaluate the routes and effects of arsenic contamination in environmental compartments (air, water, and soil) and environmental …

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The Role of Arsenic in the Mining Industry

Arsenic in the mining industry . Atmospheric arsenic emissions from copper smelting represent the largest contribution of arsenic from the mining and metals industry by far and have been the focus of pollution control technologies and increasingly stringent regulations. [8] Arsenic can also be leached out of some metal ores by cyanide or acid ...

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